Wanna get fit this summer? But, your schedule is crazy? Use our 21 day program to solve your summer fitness problem.

Make this summer your summer to get in the best shape of your life! |
If you have struggled with getting in shape for summer in years past, then this program is for you.
I've been training clients for over 20 years. And in that time I have noticed there are basically 2 types of summer people...
1. Those that continue training in the gym throughout the summer or even use summer as an excuse to start a program.
2. And, those that use summer as an excuse to stop training in the gym or to not even begin a strength training program.
Those that fall in the first category and continue training in the gym are committed to a healthy lifestyle. They know that strength training is imperative to every fitness and health goal they have. Even if they want to travel or focus on training for an event (marathon, triathlon, mountain biking, mud run), they still get their workouts in. Sure they may miss a few workouts here and there or they hit the gym a little less to compensate for an increase in their other training workouts. Even if it's once a week, they are still doing strength training.
They don't need a crash diet to get ready for the reunion or get swimsuit ready. They're already doing what they need to do. Sure they may need to tighten up their diet a little, but they're within striking distance.
The second type of person finds excuses to NOT train in the gym or at least perform at home or travel strength workouts. I hear the same excuses every summer.
"My schedule is too busy with kids...sports camp, baseball games, scout camp etc I can't workout. I'll get back in the gym when the kids are back in school."
"Our family is going to be traveling a lot this summer so no time to train, I'll get back at it in the fall."
"With the good weather I'm going to focus on running outside for the summer, instead of hitting the gym."
These people will avoid the pictures at the reunion or opt out of hitting the pool with the kids.
These type of people usually find themselves in the fall even more out of shape and wishing they had worked more on their fitness over the summer. They also come to the realization that instead of being easier to start or resume a strength training program it is now harder.
Which kind of summer fitness person are you?
What's interesting is that the type 1 person will have the same excuses but use it as a reason to make it to the gym or perform their strength workouts instead of avoiding them.
"My kids are super busy this summer, I'll need to hit the gym early in the morning this summer."
"I am traveling a ton this summer, but I've got a great travel routine I can do anywhere."
"I don't want to get injured training for my marathon this summer so I'll make it to boot camp at least once a week."
I'm sure we all want to be a "type 1" person. Fitness seams so easy for these people. The key is making fitness a habit. Once it's a habit, maintenance is easy.
To help make fitness a habit and begin your journey to a type 1 summer fitness master, EXL has created a 21 day Summer Fitness Solution Program.
It's commonly believed that it takes 3 weeks to make a habit. Give EXL a 3 week commitment to jumpstart your new lifestyle, then choose any one of our flexible options afterwards. But, this program is NOT for everyone. We can only offer this program at this amazing discounted rate to those that are truly COMMITTED. Spots are very limited so we can only take those that can devote 3 solid weeks to our program.
The Summer Fitness Solution Program includes...
- 3 weeks of group personal training sessions (12 boot camp sessions) designed to incinerate fat off your midsection, thighs, and arms
- OR, 3 weeks of personal training sessions (6 sessions) with individualized program design based on personal goals, fitness/medical history and fitness assessment
- 3 weeks of fat-melting meal plans, including delicious recipes and vegetarian options
- A Success Session to map out your individual plan for success
- A group orientation with body measurements, goal setting and nutrition seminar
- Opportunity to finish the summer with training (both in studio and at home programming) at special summer rates
- Travel workouts that can literally be done anywhere...hotel room, park, garage, front room
Comments from current and previous EXL clients
If you are serious about your fitness, EXL seems like the only place in town to go. They cover goal setting, mentality and nutrition. It's the full package.
Patrice Brown, 36 y/o, busy mother of 3
EXL provides the whole package to their clients. When I say the "whole package" I mean you get a great workout every time you show up for class. You also get goal setting help, meal planning and nutrition information.
Richard Prestwich, 33 y/o, father of 3 project manager
Everyone is so friendly and so willing to help you achieve your fitness goals. I look forward to every workout. It pushes me out of my comfort zone.
Brianna Frederick, 26 y/o UVU student
All members of the EXL team are great! The workouts are hard but with all the support and enthusiasm it's easy to push yourself to work hard. Before you know it, you're done and one step closer to your goals!Cheri Rasmussen, Mother of 3

'I really have to say that EXL is a special place, the environment there is something that you can’t replicate. The trainers and other members have been so supportive and encouraging, quite the refreshing change from the typical gym crowd.'
Mike Gleason
If you are anything like most people, you have probably tried dozens of diets, workout plans, and supplements without ever getting the results you wanted. So I don’t blame you for being a bit skeptical about our program. I would be, too, if I got burned by company after company only looking to extract money from my wallet.
To ensure that you get the results we promise, not only have we compiled an amazing team of coaches to support you along the way AND put together a simple and effective nutrition plan for you to follow, but we are also going to take away any risk you have of not getting results.

This isn't your average guarantee, we are offering you a 200% money back guarantee!
That’s right: If you don’t get results on this program, we will give you 200% of your money back. If we can’t get you results, we will actually PAY YOU!
As I mentioned before, this program ISN’T for everyone, but it can work for ANYONE! We have flexible options for your crazy summer. We just ask that you commit 3 weeks to start a new lifestyle.
“So how much does it cost???”
You are probably wondering what kind of outrageous price we are asking you to fork over to participate in this program. Typically, for a rapid fat-loss program like this, we could get away with charging several hundred dollars.
Ask yourself what you would be willing to pay for life changing results. How much is being lean, sexy, and confident worth to you?

If you're worried boot camp is too hard for you
or you prefer a smaller setting
choose our Personal Training option


'The things I have experienced and accomplished (at EXL Fitness) have given me a boost of confidence. I CAN DO hard things. I CAN put myself first so that I can better take care of those around me. I CAN reward myself and be proud of my accomplishments. I AM AN ATHLETE and a mom and CAN and WILL do both well. I seriously won’t ever be able to thank (everyone at EXL Fitness) enough.'
Sabra Berntson
And remember: If you don’t get the results you’re looking for, we will give you 200% of your money back on the spot. No questions asked!
Join the Summer Fitness Solution Program that starts now, but were are only accepting 15 new clients!
So what more are you waiting for? 'Reserve your spot' today!
Don’t wait around, there are only 15 spots available in this program, and they are sure to go fast!
...get this life changing opportunity - valued at over $250- for ONLY $79! Or, choose our Personal Training option for $119!
- To be fair to our full paying clients this offer is only available to NEW campers or those that haven't trained at EXL in the last 4 months.
P.S. To make incredible changes to your body, you have to get out of your comfort zone. This program is the perfect chance for you to get the coaching and accountability needed to finally get the results you deserve.
Here are some important dates
- Monday, July 11
- Tuesday, July 12
- 6:30-8:00pm
- Tuesday, July 19
- 6:30-8:00pm
- Tuesday, July 26
- 6:30-8:00pm
- Tuesday, August 2
- 6:30-8:00pm
The first possible day to train (you can begin anytime between July 11th and August 8th as long as we have room)
Orientation and measurements for new campers OR follow-up measurements for those already in the program.
Do I have to start on July 11th?
No, you can begin anytime between July11th and August 8th. Your 3 weeks will begin from the first day of training. But, don’t wait to purchase your training program. There are only 15 spots available. Once they’re filled the program will not be available. Use the scheduling system to reserve your workouts.
Do I need to complete an orientation first before I start training?
No, you can begin without having completed an orientation. Our coaches will walk you through the warm-ups and the exercises during camp. As far as an orientation we recommend you attend one fairly close to your start date. They are offered every week and can be booked through the the scheduling system or by contacting Mat (801)836.7185
What is the schedule for camp?
We offer camp times as early as 5:00am and as late as 6:30pm and even a lunch hour time. A complete schedule can be found on the scheduling system.
Will boot camp kill me?
This is a fair question. We have lost only a handful of campers in the last month….J/K. NO!!!, camp will not kill you. Our coaches teach multiple levels of every exercise that will accommodate almost all fitness levels. If you can’t perform an exercise due to fitness level or an injury our coaches have multiple “work around” exercises you can perform. Will camp be hard? Yea, you would be disappointed if it wasn’t. You will be pushed out of your comfort zone under the watchful eyes of your coach. You will do things you didn’t think you could do, but our coaches will keep you safe. If you have questions or concerns always discuss them with your coach.
How do I get my Success Session?
Schedule your Success Session with Mat (801.836.7185). It usually can be done over the phone and takes about 30 minutes.
How do I get my nutrition resources?
All the resources can be found and downloaded on the EXL Member Hub. You should have received an email with your username and login upon completion of your Success Session (call and coordinate your success session with Mat 801.836.7185). The Member Hub is a different site then the scheduling system. They both use your email as your username but usually have different passwords. If you can’t find your login, click the link above and follow the ‘forgot my password’ link (remember your username is your email address). If you still have difficulty contact Mat.
Should I do boot camp or personal training? What's the difference?
Boot camp works for a large demographic. If you are healthy (free from major illnesses or physical limitations) and you want to get fit, raise your metabolism and lose body fat then boot camp is a good fit. You also need to feel comfortable working out in a large group (up to 18).
If, on the other hand, you have some physical limitation that we would need to work around (recent joint surgery, generally poor physical condition) or you prefer a smaller, intimate setting (less than 6 clients) with more personal attention and a program designed specifically for you then personal training is your answer.
If you need more help call Mat @ 801.836.7185 and he can do an assessment with you and give you his professional recommendation.