Discover the Secret to Getting a Beach-Ready Body in Just 28 Days with our Amazing Program...

If you have struggled with getting rid of that spare tire, this program MIGHT be for you.
You probably noticed that I said this program MIGHT be for you. Don’t worry, you read it correctly. This program isn’t for everyone. In fact, it may not be for you, and I will save you the time of reading on by giving you a quick test.
- You think you can do this on your own
- You aren't prepared to commit to a program
- You want to continue to struggle through starvation diets and boring cardio programs
If you answered yes to any of those questions, I strongly encourage you to leave this page immediately and stop wasting your time.
If you are still reading, then I have some exciting news for you! EXL Fitness & Performance is finally releasing their revolutionary fat loss program just in time to get you in swimsuit shape for spring. The winter is quickly coming to an end, and all of those holiday treats and Super Bowl goodies have caught up with you. It might even be a little embarrassing to take your shirt off and look at yourself in the mirror.
Normally, you would probably head on over to the local gym to start your typical workout routine.
You know the one: A few sets of curls, maybe some lunges, and, of course, sit ups—lots and lots of sit ups. Follow up all that with some boring cardio on the treadmill or elliptical, and you’re on the fast track to the body you want… right?
Yet, the results don’t come like you expected. You are still far from your dream body so you start a crash diet. You eat rabbit food and starve yourself to drop some fat, but then you feel terrible and find it hard to stay motivated to do much of anything, let alone continue your boring workout routine.
At the end of all this terrible dieting and boring working out, you feel worse than when you started and you probably don’t look that much better.
This year CAN be different!
This time around, you can take part in EXL Fitness & Performance’s Sprint to Spring Break Program and finally get in tiptop shape and look as good as the warm weather feels!
No more being embarrassed of your gut.
No more covering up your hips and thighs.
No more hoping that someone else is more out of shape than you.
This 28-day program has combined metabolism-boosting workouts with a fat-melting nutrition plan to get you the fastest possible results.
That isn’t even the best part about the program. The best part is how simple it really is to complete. In just 3 short workouts each week, you can teach your body to burn fat at a faster rate than you thought was possible using our unique blend of strength, cardio, and core training. In our fast-paced programs, you will start burning fat almost immediately and continue melting fat throughout the entire 28 days.
The nutrition plan might seem too good to be true as well! On the contrary, it has been painstakingly researched and field tested by hundreds of normal folks just like you. Indeed, we have designed this nutrition program around a busy lifestyle. No more eating 6 meals a day and weighing all your food. We have collected some great tasting meals and the recipes that go with them so that you can choose the ones that satisfy your taste buds. Eat 3 meals a day and add in one shake to get amazing results!
If you are tired of gimmicks, pills, and magical powders that are full of empty promises, then this program is EXACTLY what you need!
We are opening up our Sprint to Spring Break Program to just 10 people that are willing to commit 28 days to getting AMAZING results.
To get the kind of results we are promising in just 28 days, you will have to be prepared to change your diet, commit to exercise, and check in with your coaches.
Is that really so much to ask for the joy of having the body of your dreams?
If I haven’t scared you off yet, you will be a great fit for this program! The secret to the Sprint to Spring Break Program lies in its simplicity.
I promise that you won’t be starving, you will enjoy your food, and you can make this program effective while living a normal life! All that we ask is that you train three to four days per week with our coaches, follow the nutrition plan and check in weekly with your accountability coach.
Sounds easy, right?
Here is what you will get in our Sprint to Spring Break Program:
- 16 total training sessions designed to incinerate fat off your midsection, thighs, and arms. Camp times include MWF 5, 6, 7, 9am, 5:30pm and 6:30pm; TTh 6am, 6pm; Sa 8:30am.
- 4 weeks of fat-melting meal plans, including delicious recipes and vegetarian options
- A Success Session to map out your individual plan for success
- Your very own personal Accountability Coach to ensure you get results
- A group orientation with body measurements, goal setting and nutrition seminar
- Access to a private facebook group to ask questions, check-in and get support
Comments from previous Sprint to Spring Break participants
If you are serious about your fitness, EXL seems like the only place in town to go. They cover goal setting, mentality and nutrition. It's the full package.
Patrice Brown, 36 y/o, busy mother of 3
The atmosphere is great and I can tell it will produce good results. I would highly recommend the Sprint to Spring Break Program.
Raquel Hess, 29 y/o, mother of 2
Everyone is so friendly and so willing to help you achieve your fitness goals. I look forward to every workout. It pushes me out of my comfort zone.
Brianna Frederick, 26 y/o UVU student
I'm a Type I diabetic and I've reduced my insulin amounts 80% in just 2 weeks. The training is challenging and rewarding and the nutrition education is eye opening and life changing. I'm glad I joined this program.
Dave Neal, 33 y/o, insurance agent
- To be fair to our full paying clients this offer is only available to NEW campers or those that haven't trained at EXL or have done a trial in the last 3 months (roughly since the beginning of the year).
I have never pushed myself so hard as I have done (at EXL)… I think I used to go through the motions before, but training at EXL has IGNITED something in me that has really made me want to see what I can do! I want to be stronger! I want to feel better! I want to be confident and not battle myself in my own head. I can honestly say that my experience with EXL …has taught me and led me to start to conquer all of these things!!! I HAVE PUSHED MYSELF AND LOVED IT!!!!
Mindy Gleason
If you are anything like most people, you have probably tried dozens of diets, workout plans, and supplements without ever getting the results you wanted. So I don’t blame you for being a bit skeptical about our program. I would be, too, if I got burned by company after company only looking to extract money from my wallet.
To ensure that you get the results we promise, not only have we compiled an amazing team of coaches to support you along the way AND put together a simple and effective nutrition plan for you to follow, but we are also going to take away any risk you have of not getting results.

We are offering you a 200% money back guarantee!
That’s right: If you don’t get results on this program, we will give you 200% of your money back. If we can’t get you results, we will actually PAY YOU!
As I mentioned before, this program ISN’T for everyone, but it can work for ANYONE!
“So how much does it cost???”
You are probably wondering what kind of outrageous price we are asking you to fork over to participate in this program. Typically, for a rapid fat-loss program like this, we could get away with charging several hundred dollars.
Ask yourself what you would be willing to pay for life changing results. How much is being lean, sexy, and confident worth to you?

I was pushing 270lbs before I started at EXL, now I am a lean 213lbs. I am so thankful for the love, support and encouragement at EXL Fitness. It has not only changed my life but also my family’s. Thanks EXL
Mark Berntson
And remember: If you don’t get the results you’re looking for, we will give you 200% of your money back on the spot. No questions asked!
Join the Sprint to Spring Break Program that starts on April 14th!
So what more are you waiting for? Fill out the form below to sign up today!
Don’t wait around, there are only 10 spots available in this program, and they are sure to go fast!
- To be fair to our full paying clients this offer is only available to NEW campers or those that haven't trained at EXL or have done a trial in the last 3 months (roughly since the beginning of the year).
P.S. To make incredible changes to your body, you have to get out of your comfort zone. This program is the perfect chance for you to get the coaching and accountability needed to finally get the results you deserve.

If you are a current client and want to sign up for the extra accountability with access to the nutrition resources and private facebook group, click this button.

Here are some important dates
- Monday, March 21
- Tuesday, March 29
- 6:30-8:00pm
- Tuesday, April 12
- 6:30-8:00pm
- Tuesday, April 26
- 6:30-8:00pm
- Saturday, April 30
The first possible day to train (you can begin anytime between March 21st and April 30th)
Orientation and measurements for new campers OR follow-up measurements for those already in the program.
* If these dates and times don't work we can arrange another date and time that will. Just contact Mat (801.836.7185) to schedule it.
Final day to begin training
Do I have to start on March 21st?
No, you can begin anytime between March 21st and April 30th. Your 4 weeks will begin from the first day of training. Use the scheduling system to reserve your workouts.
Do I need to complete an orientation first before I start training?
No, you can begin without having completed an orientation. Our coaches will walk you through the warm-ups and the exercises during camp. As far as an orientation we recommend you attend one fairly close to your start date. They are offered every 2 weeks and can be booked through the scheduling system.
What is the schedule for camp?
We offer camp times as early as 5:00am and as late as 6:30pm. A complete schedule can be found on the scheduling system.
Will boot camp kill me?
This is a fair question. We have lost only a handful of campers in the last month….J/K. NO!!!, camp will not kill you. Our coaches teach multiple levels of every exercise that will accommodate almost all fitness levels. If you can’t perform an exercise due to fitness level or an injury our coaches have multiple “work around” exercises you can perform.
Will camp be hard? Yea, you would be disappointed if it wasn’t. You will be pushed out of your comfort zone under the watchful eyes of your coach. You will do things you didn’t think you could do, but our coaches will keep you safe. If you have questions or concerns always discuss them with your coach.
How do I get my Success Session?
Schedule your Success Session with Mat (801.836.7185). It usually can be done over the phone and takes about 30 minutes.
How do I get my nutrition resources?
All the resources can be found and downloaded on the EXL Member Hub. You should have received an email with your username and login. The Member Hub is a different site then the scheduling system. They both use your email as your username but usually have different passwords. If you can’t find your login, click the link above and follow the ‘forgot my password’ link (remember your username is your email address). If you still have difficulty contact Mat (801.836.7185).
How do I do my weekly check-in with my accountability coach?
Weekly check-ins are done online through our private facebook group. Even if you do not have a facebook account it would be worth creating a temporary one or even one under an alias in order to take advantage of this critical component for success. It is a forum to ask questions and to offer and receive support during the program. You will be able to celebrate your victories and receive support from a group of like minded individuals. It is completely private, only coaches and those in the Sprint to Spring Break program will have access to it and see the posts.
What if I'm going on vacation with my family (spring break) and I'll be gone for a few days?
No problem, we will just extend your month to accommodate your travel. While you’re traveling you can still check in on the closed FB group to hold you accountable on your nutrition and training while away. As far as workouts, we post home/travel workouts on our official EXL Fitness FB page with videos demoing the exercises.
I noticed you don't have boot camps scheduled for the week of April 4-9th. What's up with that?
We have 4 “off weeks” scheduled throughout the year (Spring Break, 4th of July, Fall Break, and Christmas). This allows clients as well as trainers to get a break (physical and mental). These breaks considerably reduce the amount of over training injuries like tendonitis and impingement syndrome. Mentally it allows a reprieve and some time to refocus.
If you begin training before spring break we will simply extend your program to 35 days versus 28.