Attention: Most Americans Gain 7-10 lbs from Thanksgiving to New Years…
Get a head start on your New Year's resolutions! |
Are You Ready To Finally Get Ahead Of Your New Year’s Resolution And Start Losing Weight NOW? You Can Lose Fat, Drop Inches, Survive The Holidays Stress Free, and Start 2019 Off On The Right Foot… EXL Fitness Presents The FINISH STRONG Program... the answer to all of your New Year's fitness resolutions problems. STOP worrying about starting your fat loss program in January. Get started now!
Hi, my name is Mat, and I have seen hundreds of people in my life struggle through the holiday season each year. They gain weight, are stressed, and feel terrible about themselves during a time of year where they should be celebrating with family and enjoying time with the ones they love.
I have had enough of it, and that is why I created the Finish Strong Program.
You see, I am tired of watching people waste valuable time and energy stressing out through the holiday season only to end up hoping to make a change in January. If you are like most Americans, you will actually gain 7-10 lbs from now until the start of 2019. If you are planning on starting a fat loss or weight loss goal on January 1, like many other people, that means that you just made your job that much harder.
Why fall behind now only to struggle to get back to where you started, instead of getting ahead and staying ahead?
At EXL Fitness & Performance we are here to help you get ahead of the weight gain and actually help you make incredible progress during the most stressful time of year. This could be more that just NOT gaining 7-10 lbs. (though maintaining your weight and fitness during the holidays is a WIN in my book)
But, I am telling you that you can actually LOSE 7-10 lbs. That is a 20 lbs difference for most people! If you can avoid gaining the typical 7-10 lbs AND also LOSE 7-10 lbs of ugly, unwanted fat during this time, how much better will you feel about yourself when you have survived the crazy holiday season and are ready to start 2019?
This could mean the difference between you reaching all your fitness goals in the next year or you struggling month after month to lose the 10 lbs you gained—AGAIN—during the holidays.
How many holiday seasons have you spent putting yourself behind the 8-ball and adding extra padding around your midsection only to hope and pray to lose it come January 1st? How has that been working for you? If you are like most people, it has been a never-ending battle with fat. You lose some weight, then you gain some weight. You plan to start your fat loss program in a few days, weeks, or months when things slow down.
If that sounds a lot like your fitness journey, then we have a great program for you.
Our Finish Strong program is a 21-day program that will have you feeling great, living stress free, and weighing in 7-10 lbs lighter. Over the course of 21 days, you will take part in our simple but effective training programs where our coaches will work with you to ensure you are not wasting any of your valuable time or energy on things that don’t get you the best results possible. Just three workouts per week can help you drop fat faster than you thought possible, especially when you combine them with our 28 Day Fat Loss Formula nutrition plan that will help you be able to enjoy the holidays and eat delicious foods—guilt-free!
The days of boring treadmill or cardio workouts and starving yourself to lose weight are over! Finally, you can be free of countless hours of useless exercise and diets. Three workouts per week and a simple-to-follow nutrition plan. That is all it takes to get amazing results! On top of those workouts, you now have a support system behind you making sure that you are doing everything possible to get the best results.
Our coaches and team will be holding you accountable during these 21 days to make sure you attend your training sessions and are following your nutrition plan.
How will you feel when you look in the mirror at a brand new person after just 21 days?
What will it be like when you are fitting into your skinny jeans during Christmas dinner while everyone else has to pull out the elastic waist band pants because they “gained a few pounds” during the holidays?
Stop being a statistic and start taking charge of your results. All you have to do is take part in our Finish Strong program and let us help you drop 7-10 lbs in just 21 days by following our workouts and nutrition.
- How to eat during the holidays to lose fat instead of gain it
- That enjoying your favorite treats and losing weight is still possible
- How to save time and energy by getting great results in just 3 short workouts per week (choose between boot camp or personal training)
- How to reduce stress and make the holidays enjoyable again
- What it’s like to wear skinny jeans instead of sweatpants all winter long
- And much, much more
You will get everything you need to succeed:
- 3 weeks of group personal training sessions (12 boot camp sessions) designed to incinerate fat off your midsection, thighs, and arms
- The EXL Fitness & Performance Nutrition Success Guide (downloadable PDF
- 28-day Fat Loss Formula meal plans (downloadable PDF)
- Wodify Rise app to help motivate you to stay accountable
- A Success Session to map out your individual plan for success
- A orientation with body measurements, goal setting and nutrition seminar
- The EXL Fitness Holiday Survival Guide (downloadable PDF)
- Home and Travel Workouts with Video Demonstration (no excuses to miss your workout)
- Delicious Holiday Recipes

If you are anything like most people, you have probably tried dozens of diets, workout plans, and supplements without ever getting the results you wanted. So I don’t blame you for being a bit skeptical about our program. I would be, too, if I got burned by company after company only looking to extract money from my wallet. To ensure that you get the results we promise, not only have we compiled an amazing team of coaches to support you along the way AND put together a simple and effective nutrition plan for you to follow, but we are also going to take away any risk you have of not getting results. We will be incorporating the Wodify Rise app to help track your compliance and earn points for a drawing at the end of the challenge. Points will be awarded for doing your workouts, being compliant to the nutrition goals you set, meditating, sleeping 7+ hours a night, and reviewing your goals. All challengers with more than half the total points will be put into a drawing for a prize. The Rise app will help you visualize your progress by keeping score in real time. Even though there is only one winner in the drawing the real pay off is getting a head start on your New Year's resolutions.

This isn't your average guarantee, we are offering you a 200% money back guarantee!
That’s right: If you don’t get results on this program, we will give you 200% of your money back. If we can’t get you results, we will actually PAY YOU!
This program ISN’T for everyone it's only for those serious about getting a jump start on their New Year's weight loss resolution.
“So how much does it cost???”
You are probably wondering what kind of outrageous price we are asking you to fork over to participate in this challenge. A typical session with a personal trainer or a nutritionist will run you over $60/session.
But, ask yourself what you would be willing to pay for the training necessary to change your life? How much is being lean, sexy, and confident worth to you?

If you're worried boot camp is too hard for you
or you prefer a smaller, more personal training setting
we have a small group personal training option for $145.
To discuss this options contact me @ 801.623.6717 or
And remember: If you don’t get the results you’re looking for, we will give you 200% of your money back on the spot. No questions asked!
Join the EXL Fitness Finish Strong Program, but were are only accepting 15 new clients!
So what more are you waiting for? 'Reserve your spot' today!
Don’t wait around, there are only 15 spots available in this program, and they are sure to go fast!
...get this life changing opportunity - valued at over $295- for ONLY $99!
***ATTENTION*** Those that have completed a 21 day boot camp trial or promo in the last 3 months are ineligible for this program. (eg: Back 2 School Accountability Challenge)
P.S. To make incredible changes to your body, you have to get out of your comfort zone. This program is the perfect chance for you to get the coaching and accountability needed to finally get the results you deserve.
Here are some important dates
- Saturday, December 1st
- Monday, December 3rd
- Saturday, December 22nd
Final Day to Sign Up!
But, we are only accepting 15 new clients. Once we have those spots filled enrollment is closed.
First possible day to training
Final Day to Train
Do I have to start training on December 3rd?
No, but you will only have from December 3rd to December 22 to use your 3 weeks of training sessions (12 boot camp sessions). They will expire after 3 weeks from your first visit or December 23, whichever comes first. Use the scheduling system to reserve your workouts for boot camp.
Do I need to complete an orientation first before I start training? And, when is orienation and follow up measurements?
No, you can begin without having completed an orientation. Our coaches will walk you through the warm-ups and the exercises during camp. As far as an orientation we recommend you attend the one of the orientations during your first 2 weeks of training. We will be doing initial measurements and going over goal setting as well as nutrition basics . Book your orientation and follow up measurements w Mat 801.623.6717.
What is the schedule for camp?
We offer camp times as early as 5:00am and as late as 5:30pm. A complete schedule can be found on the scheduling system.
Will boot camp kill me?
This is a fair question. We have lost only a handful of campers in the last month….J/K. NO!!!, camp will not kill you. Our coaches teach multiple levels of every exercise that will accommodate almost all fitness levels. If you can’t perform an exercise due to fitness level or an injury our coaches have multiple “work around” exercises you can perform.
Will camp be hard? Yea, you would be disappointed if it wasn’t. You will be pushed out of your comfort zone under the watchful eyes of your coach. You will do things you didn’t think you could do, but our coaches will keep you safe. If you have questions or concerns always discuss them with your coach.
If you are still concerned that it could be too challenging, we have training options in our small group personal training program that allows for more adjustment to the workout to fit your fitness level. Contact Mat for details 801.623.6717.
How do I get my Success Session?
Schedule your Success Session with Mat (801.623.6717 call or text). It usually can be done over the phone and takes about 20 minutes.
How do I get my nutrition resources, including my Holiday Survival Guide?
All the resources can be found and downloaded on the EXL Member Hub. You should have received an email with your username and login when you signed up. Contact Mat (801.623.6717) if you didn’t receive it.
The Member Hub is a different site then the scheduling system. They both use your email as your username but usually have different passwords. If you can’t find your login, click the link above and follow the ‘forgot my password’ link (remember your username is your email address). There is a specific tab on the member hub for “Finish Strong” clients. If you still have difficulty contact Mat.
Should I do boot camp or small group personal training? What's the difference?
Boot camp works for a large demographic. If you are healthy (free from major illnesses or physical limitations) and you want to get fit, raise your metabolism and lose body fat then boot camp is a good fit. You also need to feel comfortable working out in a large group (up to 18, though the average boot camp size is 6-10).
If, on the other hand, you have some physical limitation that we would need to work around (recent joint surgery, generally poor physical condition) or you prefer a smaller, intimate setting (less than 5 clients) with more personal attention and a program designed to hit better strength gains as well as fat loss then small group personal training is your answer.
If you need more help call Mat @ 801.623.6717 and he can do an assessment with you and give you his professional recommendation.
How do the points work for the drawing?
There are 182 points possible. All challengers with 91 points or above are eligible. You will get up to 5 points per day for being compliant to your daily nutrition goal, 10 points per week for exercise compliance, 1 point per day each for meditating, reviewing goals and sleeping 7+ hours.