Are you tired of workouts programs that don't deliver results? Or, are you constantly re-starting your nutrition program because you can't seam to make healthy nutrition a permanent habit? At EXL Fitness & Performance we have found that correct accountability is the missing factor. That's why we have created a new challenge focused on accountability.

Autumn is a great time of year to start new routines and make lifestyle changes. |
If you have started dozens of programs with great intentions but then fizzle out after 2 weeks. Or, maybe you just can't seem to figure out your nutrition and need some coaching and follow up. The EXL Fall into Fitness Challenge is your solution. Come see how compliant you can be to your fitness and health goals for 3 weeks.
Being accountable to someone has consistently proven to help people stay on track, whether it’s for sports, work, or even, in some instances, relationships. I feel it is the most important tool in my personal trainer's tool bag to get results.
At EXL Fitness & Performance people come to us for many different reasons, but it’s usually for fat loss or improved health and/or performance. We then provide a plan to get those results.
But is it that simple? Not quite. Starting a plan and sticking with it are two different things. We have plenty of people that put in all the hard work in the gym, but most of the time it’s what you do outside that plays the bigger role.
Think about this for a second. You sit all day long, between working, driving the car, and then watching TV at the end of the day. Do you really think working out 3 days a week is going to “push” you to that next level of fat loss and performance? Of course not, but many people tell themselves this story all the time.
Maybe it is your nutrition. We hear it all the time: “I have been working out just like you said and haven’t seen big results.”
The next question we ask is, “How’s your nutrition?”
“Oh I eat really good.”
I cannot tell you how often I hear that from someone who is trying to lose weight. If you “eat really good,” why are you not in the shape that you want to be?
Sometimes people need a little extra push to get them going in the right direction, and others might need a simple reality check. Unfortunately, there are times when being given the perfect plan just isn’t enough. Some of us need a little more help to stick with the plan.
That is the main reason we created our Fall into Fitness Accountability Challenge. Past accountability challenges have been instrumental in helping participants not only reach their goals, but maintain them. We have members that have lost well over 40 pounds and kept it off for over a year. That, in itself, is HUGE considering 95% of all diets fail, and people usually gain it all back – and then some.
Being part of the nutrition group at EXL was the KEY to my success at achieving my goals. The coaches taught me how to change certain behaviors and how to feed my body properly and consciously. Meeting with the coaches and other members of the group every week/month gave me the accountability and knowledge I needed to succeed. Being able to share successes and failures with each other made a big impact as well. We all had something we could learn from each other. The nutrition group did not teach me how to "diet", it taught me how to live!
Montell Wesley, 35 y/o, busy mother of 4, lost 85lbs
One of my favorite things about joining EXL Fitness is their nutrition coaching and the online accountability group! I worked hard at the gym and at home but it wasn't until I got my nutrition on board that the major changes occurred. Aubrey read my passion statement, listened to my goals and helped develop a plan that could work for me and my crazy night shift schedule. I love sharing my ups and downs with the online accountability group, having the encouragement of fellow EXL-ers really helps me take ownership of my nutrition.
Dannon Dennison, 34 y/o nurse has completed four 1/2 marathons and is signed for her first full marathon later this month. She has lost over 20lbs
Accountability is an important part of any diet plan for two main reasons. First, it has been said, "When progress is measured, progress improves. When progress is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates." Accountability has helped accelerate my weight loss because I couldn't fudge the numbers anymore. I had to account for how many days each week I practiced proper nutrition, and I had to eliminate things from my diet that were holding me back. Second, having other people in your same situation helps motivate you. Seeing posts from others who had bad days but stuck with it anyways or encountered times when they could have cheated on their diet but didn't helped motivate me to stick with it when times were tough for me. If they can do it, I can sure do it as well. I've tried dieting without an accountability and didn't lose much at all. Having accountability was the difference between losing weight and sticking with it versus not losing weight and giving up.
John Stewart, 34 y/o, computer programmger has lost over 100lbs since Jan '14
At EXL, I really, truly, LOVE the workouts. I adore the group I've gotten to know at five a.m., I wildly enjoy going with my husband and teenage daughters in the early early hours of the morning, and feeling the high of a good workout with them. Not just actually DOING the exercises, but feeling the improvements with them, and spending the time together. For the first time in a year, my synthetic hormones seem to be absorbing and working. I'm still not in remission yet, but I can feel it in my bones that it is very very close. Everything that I have learned at EXL is helping me to improve. Yes, I am more toned and have more muscle mass, my fat percentage dropped, I weigh less, and these details are all very good. But, as a mother and wife, my life is currently better than it has been in a long time. life to me is all about progress, and our relationships. Thank you, EXL, for being a part of re-aligning our family to conquer.
Jane Rhodes, 38 y/o mother of 3, cancer survivor
Above is just a quick snapshot of what accountability does for your results. If you’re not where you want to be and feel like you have been trying, maybe you need a little extra help. One thing you can do is get someone that will hold you accountable – maybe a coworker, a friend, or a family member. The trouble is, holding you accountable could be a fulltime job.
That’s what we’ve put together the Fall into Fitness Accountability Challenge, you will have a team dedicated to one thing: holding you accountable to reaching your fitness goals – and empowering you to do just that!
The bottom line is, we need accountability from time to time to help keep us on track and keep us honest. Being called out from time to time is a good thing that we all can benefit from.
Unfortunately, in our society being fit and healthy is not the norm and there are many people and distractions that will keep you from your goal. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can make your fitness journey that much easier.
Challenge yourself for 3 weeks with the EXL Fitness Fall into Fitness Accountability Challenge to be accountable to your exercise and nutrition goals. See how compliant you can be. Most likely you will need more than 3 weeks to accomplish your ultimate fitness goal, but 3 weeks will be a great kick start.
The Fall into Fitness Accountability Challenge includes...
- 3 weeks of group personal training sessions (12 boot camp sessions) designed to incinerate fat off your midsection, thighs, and arms
- OR, 3 weeks of personal training sessions (6 sessions) with individualized program design based on personal goals, fitness/medical history and fitness assessment
- 3 weeks of fat-melting meal plans, including delicious recipes and vegetarian options
- A Success Session to map out your individual plan for success
- A group orientation with body measurements, goal setting and nutrition seminar
- Weekly in-studio nutrition lesson with our nutrition coach and accountability check-ins
- Online accountability forum for daily check-ins, question and answers, and community support
Current EXL clients can join the challenge too. Benefits include...
- Increased accountability to attend boot camp or your personal training sessions
- Increased accountability to complete your at-home workouts
- Increased accountability to follow your nutrition plan
- 3 Weekly in-studio nutrition coaching and accountability sessions
- Membership in our private online accountability group for daily and weekly check-ins, questions and answers as well as community support
Here are 2 of our winners from this years transformation contest expressing how critical accountability was for them to make the lifestyle changes to not only win but to be healthier and happier.

If you are anything like most people, you have probably tried dozens of diets, workout plans, and supplements without ever getting the results you wanted. So I don’t blame you for being a bit skeptical about our program. I would be, too, if I got burned by company after company only looking to extract money from my wallet.
To ensure that you get the results we promise, not only have we compiled an amazing team of coaches to support you along the way AND put together a simple and effective nutrition plan for you to follow, but we are also going to take away any risk you have of not getting results.

This isn't your average guarantee, we are offering you a 200% money back guarantee!
That’s right: If you don’t get results on this program, we will give you 200% of your money back. If we can’t get you results, we will actually PAY YOU!
This program ISN’T for everyone, but it can work for ANYONE!
This challenge is only for those that are truly serious about reaching their fitness goals. If you can’t make a 3 week commitment to begin the journey to transform your health then check out another program. We want serious, committed clients.
“So how much does it cost???”
You are probably wondering what kind of outrageous price we are asking you to fork over to participate in this challenge. A typical session with a personal trainer or a nutritionist will run you over $60/session.
But, ask yourself what you would be willing to pay for the accountability necessary to change your life? How much is being lean, sexy, and confident worth to you?

If you're worried boot camp is too hard for you
or you prefer a smaller setting
choose our Personal Training option

And remember: If you don’t get the results you’re looking for, we will give you 200% of your money back on the spot. No questions asked!
Join the Fall into Fitness Accountability Challenge now, but were are only accepting 15 new clients!
So what more are you waiting for? 'Reserve your spot' today!
Don’t wait around, there are only 15 spots available in this program, and they are sure to go fast!
...get this life changing opportunity - valued at over $295- for ONLY $99! Or, choose our Personal Training option for $139!
- To be fair to our full paying clients this offer is only available to NEW campers or those that haven't trained at EXL in the last 4 months (roughly since the end of May, contact Mat to verify eligibility)
P.S. To make incredible changes to your body, you have to get out of your comfort zone. This program is the perfect chance for you to get the coaching and accountability needed to finally get the results you deserve.
Here are some important dates
- Friday, September 19
- 8:00 PM
- Monday, September 22
- Tuesday, September 23
- 6:30-8:00am
- 6:30-8:00pm
- Thursday, September 25
- 7:30-8:30am
- Thursday, October 2
- 7:30-8:30am
- Tuesday, October 7
- 6:30-7:00am
- 6:30-7:00pm
- Thursday, October 9
- 7:30-8:30am
- Saturday, October 11
Final day to sign up...if there are spots left. We are only allowing 15 NEW clients into the program. We will be accepting all current clients wanting to join this challenge.
First day of training (new clients)
Orientation and initial measurements
First nutrition coaching and accountability session
Second nutrition coaching and accountability session
Final measurements
Final nutrition coaching and accountability session
Final day to train and use your sessions from the challenge
Do I have to start training on September 22?
No, but you will only have from September 22 to October 11 to use your training session (12 boot camp or 6 personal training sessions). They will expire after October 11 Use the scheduling system to reserve your workouts for boot camp. Schedule with your assigned trainer with personal training.
Do I need to complete an orientation first before I start training?
No, you can begin without having completed an orientation. Our coaches will walk you through the warm-ups and the exercises during camp. As far as an orientation we recommend one of them on the 23rd. We will be doing initial measurements and going over goal setting as well as nutrition basics which will serve as a starting point for the specific nutrition lessons for the accountability meetings. Book your measurements and orientation through the scheduling system.
What is the schedule for camp?
We offer camp times as early as 5:00am and as late as 6:30pm. A complete schedule can be found on the scheduling system.
Will boot camp kill me?
This is a fair question. We have lost only a handful of campers in the last month….J/K. NO!!!, camp will not kill you. Our coaches teach multiple levels of every exercise that will accommodate almost all fitness levels. If you can’t perform an exercise due to fitness level or an injury our coaches have multiple “work around” exercises you can perform. Will camp be hard? Yea, you would be disappointed if it wasn’t. You will be pushed out of your comfort zone under the watchful eyes of your coach. You will do things you didn’t think you could do, but our coaches will keep you safe. If you have questions or concerns always discuss them with your coach.
How do I get my Success Session?
Schedule your Success Session with Mat (801.836.7185). It usually can be done over the phone and takes about 30 minutes.
How do I get my nutrition resources?
All the resources can be found and downloaded on the EXL Member Hub. You should have received an email with your username and login upon completion of your Success Session (call and coordinate your success session with Mat 801.836.7185). The Member Hub is a different site then the scheduling system. They both use your email as your username but usually have different passwords. If you can’t find your login, click the link above and follow the ‘forgot my password’ link (remember your username is your email address). If you still have difficulty contact Mat.
Should I do boot camp or personal training? What's the difference?
Boot camp works for a large demographic. If you are healthy (free from major illnesses or physical limitations) and you want to get fit, raise your metabolism and lose body fat then boot camp is a good fit. You also need to feel comfortable working out in a large group (up to 18).
If, on the other hand, you have some physical limitation that we would need to work around (recent joint surgery, generally poor physical condition) or you prefer a smaller, intimate setting (less than 5 clients) with more personal attention and a program designed specifically for you then personal training is your answer.
If you need more help call Mat @ 801.836.7185 and he can do an assessment with you and give you his professional recommendation.