How would you like to be part of the #1 voted Boot Camp in Utah County?
For A Limited Time We Are Giving Three Weeks of Boot Camp Training To Every NEW EXL Boot Camp Member for ONLY $99! Register Today To Claim Your Spot!
(Applies to NEW members only, not valid if you've joined previously or taken advantage of any other offers including daily deals sites, etc)

Our Members Love Our System
Because It is So Fun and They See Results So Fast!

"EXL Boot Camp has made such a difference in my fitness. I'm stronger and more confident and my overall fitness has gone far beyond what it ever has been."
Megan Inouye, 40 y/o mother of 3

"I love my body, I love how I feel and I love my new lifestyle."
Jennie Hall, 36 y/o mother and competitive soccer player

"I love how you feel when you need to punch one more hole in the belt that you wear every day.
That’s the mic drop moment!"
Cecil Read, 45 y/o entrepreneur and club volleyball coach

No Previous Experience Is Required, The
Instant Results Are Amazing...
Simply attend our EXL Fitness Personal Training Boot Camps each scheduled day for 3 weeks and if you complete all three weeks and still aren’t completely head over heels with EXL Fitness Boot Camp, we’ll give your money back.
That’s how confident we are in our fitness boot camp system.
In 20 years, we’ve personally worked with hundreds of local men and women across the valley that were just like you before they joined our fitness boot camps. They were tired of feeling sluggish, slow and tired…tired of hiding under baggy clothing, tired of feeling like they have lost control of their body.
Here’s what we can absolutely guarantee you. Consistently attend our fitness boot camps, follow our step-by-step nutritional plans (it’s super SIMPLE) and you’ll achieve the results you’re after. It really is as simple as that.
That’s why we can offer you such a 100% Risk Free Guarantee…it’s simply impossible not to get results following our EXL Fitness Personal Training Boot Camp system.
There’s no hi-tech fitness equipment to be scared of and no waiting for sweaty exercise machines in overcrowded gyms. Just top notch personal trainers and coaches helping you accomplish your fitness goals of shedding fat, losing weight, and toning up while increasing your energy levels and having lots of FUN getting into your ideal shape.
Our incredibly simple (yet highly effective) step-by-step fitness system will provide you with every single tool you’ll need to achieve all your fat loss goals…Period!

But First, Here's a Couple of Questions...
- Are you finally ready to get off the diet roller coaster and get that body you deserve without falling for every new fad diet pill, drops, juice, and program you come across each week?
- Are you finally ready for a FUN fitness program that is NEVER the same and puts you in control of your metabolism without starving yourself on tuna, eggs, and celery?
- Are you tired of spending endless hours on the treadmill, elliptical or stair-stepper performing workouts that aren’t getting you any closer to that lean, toned body you want?
- Are you tired of crowded fitness clubs, massive gyms and inexperienced personal trainers that could care less if you get results?
- Are you finally READY to transform your body into the Leanest, Fittest and Most Toned body you’ve ever had in your entire adult life with a fitness training and nutrition system developed specifically for men and women like you who finally want real and lasting results?
If you answered YES to these questions, then you’re about to step into a world that you’re absolutely going to love!
YES! I'm Ready To Get Started Today
Limited Time Offer

Get Stronger & Boost Your Metabolism
Flatter Abs & Toned Muscles
Improved Flexibility & Mobility
Mat Gover, exlfitness.com
“My passion is helping change people’s lives through exercise, nutrition, positive mindset and accountability.“
Here's What You Get When You Order Today:
- Boot Camps available From 5:00am To 7:30pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday!
- Online Access to Step-By-Step super simple and delicious meal plans and nutrition tips for quick results!
- NEVER THE SAME! Fun, Fat melting, Muscle toning boot camp workouts!
- Supportive community of personal trainers, coaches & fellow campers to help you!
- Unlimited email and phone coaching for maximum support!
- Fully exclusive online membership resources you can access 24/7
- RESULTS…because that’s what you want and that’s what we’ll give you!!
Plus These Amazing Bonuses
- Personal Trainers who care about you and want to help you every step of the way.
- EXL Fitness Personal Training Boot Camp newsletter…the “how to” of getting super lean, strong & fit.
All orders 100% SAFE using our SECURE server